Month: October 2013

Urban Movement

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Tengeri Daily Natural Activity

Take yourself through the usualwarmups


Urban Movement:

Vaulting – basic

Vaulting is used to quickly and efficiently pass over small walls or objects. It’s an extremely handy skill to have for a variety of reasons. Start off with a nice low wall and build up to more complex or higher obsticles as you gain confidence.

Check out he tutorials on Parkourpedia, specifically the techniques: Passement (Speed Vault)Passement (Dash Vault)Passement(Lazy Vault)


Urban Movement:

Vaulting – Work on the following vaults:

Passement (Speed Vault)

Passement (Dash Vault)

Passement(Lazy Vault)

Demi tour (Turn Vault)

If you are feeling particularly confident then work on:

Saut de Chat (Cat Pass/Kong/Monkey/Panther/Gorilla)


Urban Movement:


As per Intermediate but try and string different techniques together on multiple objects.

And Just to get you all in the mood….

As always if you have any questions on todays activity post them…

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The Freedom of The Jump

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This article is mine, written by me, so please don’t use. I will also try making a video with this as a sort of narrative in the future:

The Freedom of the Jump

You eye it up; a simple precision jump. You take a step back as you walk yourself through how the jump should go, how it should feel. You turn around and face the jump as you take a deep breath. Pause. Focus. And then jump. Your feet rise off the cement and you bring your arms and knees up in sync with each other. Your entire body leaves the ground and becomes airborne. You rise through the air, focused on how your body is moving, slowly preparing yourself for landing. Then, you reach the peak of your jump and time seems to stand still. In that small moment when you stop rising and start falling you feel something so pure and so perfect that it scares you slightly. You feel free. At this moment it’s just you and the pavement. No one is there to catch you if you fall, but someone will help you up when you do. No one else can make the jump for you, but someone can teach you how to jump. It’s just you up there and the feeling you get is something that you quickly become addicted to. This sense of freedom is something you can’t feel anywhere else, it’s thrilling and exhilarating and you try to hold onto it for as long as you can. But all too soon, you begin to fall. Your legs outstretch as the cement comes up to meet you. The balls of your feet touch the ground, your knees bend, and you land. It’s over. The moment has ended and the feeling has disappeared. So what do you do? You turn around and face the jump as you take a deep breath. Pause. Focus. Then… jump.

david belle quote 1

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Quote by David Belle, Picture from Google Images, Photo edit is my own.


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This blog is all about parkour and parkour related news. This is the first blog I’ve done, so please no hate.